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Squarespace for Crypto


Starting Alder Labs was a significant pivot for me after my previous venture. With funding from FTX Ventures, I took on the role of CEO. We earned FTX's trust because they believed in our capability to develop consumer-focused applications. Our first significant project was creating a white-label exchange for a big client with more than 3M DAU. The revenue-sharing model with this client was part of the initial plan.

Despite the ambition for Alder Labs to create FTX's flagship white-label exchange product, these plans didn't come to fruition due to FTX's implosion. This second setback made the team wary of putting all our eggs in one basket and pushed us to look for projects with real-world applicability to avoid another collapse.

Technically, I was responsible for setting up a lightweight reverse proxy server for FTX's API at Alder Labs. We integrated access control into a JSON schema, tailored for each integration partner.

The core team and I took on various roles to push the company forward. My primary responsibility was in technical architecture, including server setup and API integration.